Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch/topics: Stone processing
Text type: Software strings
Approximate number of words (source text): 1900
Customer location: Italy
Another work, completed and delivered by
Simply Good Translations –
Translation, Editing, Proofreading, MTPE – German, Italian, English, Spanish, French, Dutch …
Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch/topics: Stone processing
Text type: Software strings
Approximate number of words (source text): 1900
Customer location: Italy
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: Italian
Target language: German
Branch/topics: Public administration, Alto Adige
Text type: Guides, vacation planning, software
Approximate number of words (source text): 2500
Customer location: Germany
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch/topics: Energy and materials management software
Text type: Marketing, Website
Approximate number of source words: 13,000
Customer location: France
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch: Software industry
Topics: Software-defined data center, digital transformation, customer engagement, development efficiency
Text type: Presentation, marketing
Approximate number of (weighted) source words: 1700
Customer location: Germany
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch: Software industry
Topics: Facilities management, software
Text type: Presentations, product booklet, guidelines
Approximate number of (weighted) source words: 13,000
Customer location: France
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch/topics: PCB CAD Software
Text type: Software strings
Customer location: Japan
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: English
Target language: German
Topics: Musical instrument, software
Text type: User manual
Customer location: Japan
Another work, completed and delivered by
Source language: English
Target language: German
Branch: Software industry, pop music
Topics: Pop music, DJ software
Text type: Manual, instructions
Approximate number of (weighted) source words: 2400
Customer location: Japan
Another work, completed and delivered by